SmartShell™ Cloud subscription plans

Unlimited features, endless possibilities. Grow, scale your business, and achieve success.
for every 1 PC per month

All Starter features

Activity rating of your guests

Full shell security settings

Detailed analytics of the club's work

Loyalty system for guests

User purchase history

Receipt of goods by the operator

Remote launch of programs

Computer status and disk usage information panel

Loyalty system and achievement constructor

Shell customization

Open API according to tariff functions

It's only in SmartShell
Notifications in Telegram
Shift revenue summary
Revenue for the current shift across different categories
Task planner
Assign tasks and monitor their completion
Shift sales
Overview of sold goods, passes, and services
User activity rating
Analyze client activity over different periods
License pool usage control
Quick operator menu
User search
Deposit top-up
Non-cash transaction accounting
Receipt and payment vouchers
Administrator stock entry
Goods acceptance by the operator
Gaming stations
Gaming center map
Interactive map for managing PCs
Disk space monitoring
Track disk usage
PC configuration monitoring
Collect and view computer configuration data in real time
Remote program launch
PC notes
Administrator can add information about specific gaming stations
Remote switch to service mode
Restrict session launch and PC usage
Remote PC power-on (WoL)
Virtual gaming stations
Add consoles, simulators, air hockey, and other devices to the admin panel. Manage gaming consoles with a controller
PC configuration verification
When the hardware of a gaming computer is changed, a Telegram notification will be sent. Manager must approve the configuration change in the admin panel
Flexible reservation system for gaming stations
Online booking
Clients can reserve gaming stations online at
Remote management and monitoring
Manage gaming PCs remotely from the administrator's workspace
Loyalty system
Discounts on passes, goods, and services
Promo codes for deposit top-ups
Personal client discounts
Возможность гибкого создания клиентских групп и назначение для них уникальных скидок
Client groups
Flexibly create client groups and assign them unique discounts
Cashback on deposit top-ups
Возможность пополнять счет клиента бонусами
Bonus reserve
Top up clients' deposits with bonuses
Loyalty system builder
Create achievements and rewards with different triggers
Manual adjustment of deposit and discounts by Manager
Возможность сотрудника клуба оставить заметку о посетителе
Client notes
Gaming center staff can add notes about visitors
Customer feedback
Clients can leave reviews about their visit to the gaming center
Client database export
Client payment history
Бот позволяющий клиентам вашего клуба зарегистрироваться, получать коды для восстановления пароля и просмотра информацию о посещённом клубе
Telegram bot for clients
Bot for registering, receiving password recovery codes, and viewing info about visited gaming centers
Можно для каждого продаваемого тарифа настроить получение уведомления в Tg
Set up Telegram notifications for each pass
Fixed rates
Valid for a set period from the moment of purchase. The simplest and most popular pass type
Per-minute rates
A set amount is deducted from the deposit every minute
Package rates
Rates with specific validity schedules
Membership rates
Rates allowing clients to save unused time
Holiday rates
Rates applicable during holidays
Content addition
Создание категорий для сортировки игр и приложений
Game and application groups
Create categories for sorting games and applications
License pool system
Create game accounts and provide them to visitors when needed
Список всех рабочих смен администраторов с сводной информацией
Shift reports
Overview of all admin shifts and their data
Overview report
Gaming center revenue report
Clients report
Displays client data incl. expenses and average order value
Visitors report
Data on usage (revenue/time) for any period, categorized by: PC, room, total, client, guest
Gaming stations usage report
Detailed data on PC usage by time and revenue
Sales report
Summary data for all gaming center sales categories
Товары и услуги
Goods and services
Combo sets
Безопасность. Ограничение возможности использования дисков
Staff permission settings
Give employees different access rights in a flexible way
Disk hiding on PCs
Security. Restrict disk usage
Application autorun
Launch applications upon PC startup
Per-minute rate autostart
Automatically start sessions at a per-minute rate upon client login
Smart rate switching
Automatically extend sessions at a per-minute rate
Action upon session completion
Set up automatic actions after session completion
Blocking external storage devices
Security. Prohibits the use of USB storage devices
Prohibiting downloads in Google Chrome
Security. Visitors will not be able to download files while using Chrome
Gaming center rules
Visitors review and consent to gaming center rules before starting a game session
Cash registers and acquiring
Print fiscal receipts for sales with support for two taxation systems
Payment systems integration
Подключение telegram-уведомлений о различных событиях в клубе (12 типов)
Online replenishment
Clients can top up their deposits in advance at
Telegram notifications
Enable Telegram notifications for 12 types of events in the gaming center
Самостоятельная пересадка клиента
Посетителю предоставлена возможность самостоятельно сменить игровое место
Отправка сообщения от администратора на игровой компьютер
Visitors can independently switch to a different gaming station
Admin notifications to PCs
Send messages from the administrator to gaming stations
Ability to penalize visitors
Buying passes in the shell
Clients can purchase passes directly at the gaming station without contacting the administrator
Call the admin
Call the gaming center administrator directly from the gaming station
Shell background customization
Change the background to any desired image
Idle screensaver
Display a custom image or video when PC is idle
  1. Register an Owner’s account: (1-2 minutes)
  2. Fill out the gaming center profile (1-2 minutes)
  3. Install shell (3-7 minutes)

In just 15 minutes, you’ll be able to test all SmartShell features

No need to:

  • Contact our manager
  • Remove your current management system
  • Reinstall Windows
  • Reinstall games and applications
  • Install additional certificates or VPN

Yes, you can try SmartShell for 30 days absolutely free. Register now!

The number of SmartShell licenses depends on the number of gaming stations (computers, consoles, air hockey tables, etc.) you want to integrate into the admin panel (billing) as standalone gaming stations. The admin panel itself is free of charge.

You can pay for the SmartShell subscription with a card or via a corporate account in the Owner’s account.

The deduction occurs exactly 30 days after the last payment. If Autopayment is enabled, the amount will be automatically deducted from the linked card at the end of the current subscription period.

Of course! Simply contact technical support on the website or via the admin panel, specifying the name of your organization.

Yes, you can add additional licenses for gaming stations anytime in the Owner’s account under your gaming center profile.

Your cumulative discount is displayed in the gaming center profile in the Owner’s account. A progress bar also shows how much more spending is required to reach the next discount tier.

Fill out the form and ask your question, our team will get back to you shortly, answer your questions and suggest a time for a free demo meeting from our product experts!
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