I rate this PO 95 out of 100 and if the booking issues are resolved, the score will be the highest. I’d especially like to mention the feature to send key notifications of club events via Telegram. We tried many other options before installing SmartShell software. Constant communication with the developer and the ability to make suggestions is important to us. We are glad that our opinion is taken into account and together we can make the product even better. Separately, I would like to emphasize the following pluses: easy to set up and operate; clear reports; convenient tariff system; constant communication with the project CEO.
Director, F12 Club, Krasnoyarsk
I like that everything works consistently. Actively use three main blocks: map, dashboard, and logs. A very convenient feature where registered customers can start a session on their own on a free computer. This reduces the administrator’s workload as there are fewer queues.
Manager of "TOP2" club, Karaganda
Smartshell makes running a club much easier. Overall, I rate the software an 8 out of 10. There are some problems with displaying program icons. Really like the reporting. We provide security with a closed interface that prevents access to unnecessary settings, and we also block downloads. With the web version, I can effectively monitor the club through my phone. When choosing software for a computer club, I was guided by customer focus and speed of tech support response.
Owner of "LEDZ Game zone" club, Yerevan
+convenient +available +understood +reliably Everything is working correctly. The security functionality built into the program meets the needs of the computer club. The software is user-friendly for the owner and administrator as well as the visitor. You can come in and start playing right away.
Co-founder of the 7GAME club, Surazh
Simplicity and convenience are key features of SmartShell software. It is easy to understand the functionality, manage and analyze data. Detailed reports with all the necessary data can be generated. I rarely contacted tech support, but it works at a high level: everything was explained and helped me at once.
Manager of Life Games GG WP Club, Almaty
The software is user-friendly and easy to learn. It is easy to manage for both administrators and managers. There is good reporting and analytics. After switching from another software, it became clear what could be improved to increase revenue. Smartshell software has a well-designed and visually appealing interface. There may be a lack of club-specific customization for now, but the developers have promised to fix that. One of the advantages of the software is the ability to monitor club operations from your phone without the use of third-party software. The loyalty system is well thought out: discounts, achievements and other bonuses motivate guests to spend more time in our club. Convenient store of goods: it is easy to enter goods, you can see the balance, what is sold and what is not, etc. I would also like to mention the technical support: they respond within a minute, if necessary, connect remotely and help solve any problems. To summarize, if you are opening a computer club and you are thinking about which software to choose, you can hardly make a mistake by choosing Smartshell. Having run a club for a year on Gizmo, I made my life a lot easier by switching to Smartshell.
Director of "Rampage" club, Roslavl
We have experience using different software, but we are currently on SmartShell and are happy with this choice. The technical support works well. SmartShell is different from other solutions because it is cloud-based software with a nice design and easy to use. There are certainly areas for improvement, but we are happy with the way the product is developing and the technical support is working. Also worth noting is the full-fledged shell with the ability to customize it. Given the current capabilities of the product, we are unlikely to return to an old vendor that has left the RF market. Looking forward to the release of the mobile app.
Owner of BlackHole Club, Nizhnevartovsk
I recommend SmartShell. Everything is very convenient and understandable. I would especially like to mention the logs: with their help you can track any action in the club. Remote management of club operations is also very comfortable. It was easy to customize rates and discount system for regular customers. The serious approach and attention to all details on the part of the developer is respectable. There were small problems with the design of links, but thanks to the prompt work of tech support did not have to interrupt the work of the club.
"BUNKER", Magas
Everything’s fine. I wish there was a postpaid feature. The developers at SmartShell said they will implement it soon. It is very encouraging that the wishes of users are taken into account. By banning removable drives and banning downloads, it’s easy to secure PCs in the club. Unlike other software, SmartShell makes it convenient to monitor the club’s online operations.
Owner of the club "TigerGameCentre", Andijan
Overall, I have no issues with the software. I’d like small tweaks, like a per-minute rate for guest accounts. Technical support is quick to answer all questions. But because SmartShell software functionality is intuitive, it’s easy to get started. Compared to competitors, SmartShell has a more user-friendly interface and more professional tech support. Recommended.
Owner of Phantom Club, Almaty
The software is very user-friendly: it is easy to launch and start working immediately. I’d especially like to mention the loyalty system – it’s a cool and convenient feature. Also worth highlighting is the security system, which includes banning downloads from the Chrome browser and hiding disks. PC occupancy reports contain a lot of useful information. Technical support is fast and professional: employees are ready to answer any questions promptly. I recommend this software – it’s convenient, reliable and useful.
Director of "812MHZ" club, St. Petersburg
We are satisfied with everything: we have all the necessary tools for fast and convenient work. I would especially like to note the interface of both the admin panel and the shell itself. There is nothing superfluous in SmartShell, everything is simple, clear and intuitive. Separately, I would like to mention security: after banning the launch of downloaded files in the Chrome browser, there are fewer problems from clients. When choosing software, I looked at and tried LanGame, but I didn’t like it visually or its closed nature. The main advantage of the program is stability. Everything works, everything functions. Problems are rare and usually due to customers who choose the wrong tariff.
Technical Director of "Game Shelter" club, Sudak
We really liked the software from SmartShell – very easy to use, one might even say intuitive to use. Stable operation and security features make this software an indispensable tool for computer club management. I would especially like to mention the “back office” – all work is solved promptly and friendly. With flash drive locking and disk hiding features, we ensure PC security in the club. The main pluses are stability of work, promptness in resolving issues and frequent software updates. I recommend SmartShell!
Director of Prime Gaming Club, Perm
The software is user-friendly and easy to understand. The cancel payments feature is especially useful. For security, we hide hard disks, block downloads and external media. The level of security in this software is, in my opinion, higher than other similar programs. The main pros of SmartShell for me are the lightweight shell, security, and price.
Owner of Olymp Prime Club, Bishkek
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